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Compreender o design do chefe na moldagem por injeção, centrando-se nos elementos-chave, orientações de design e soluções de peças moldadas em plástico.

The post Boss Design: Key Elements, Design Guidelines, Common Problems & Solutions appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

Boss Design: Key Elements, Design Guidelines, Common Problems & Solutions

Moldagem por injeção é uma pedra angular na fabrico de "peças de plásticoA empresa desempenha um papel fundamental em diversos sectores. De equipamento médico para interiores de automóveis, caixas electrónicas para utensílios domésticos de uso diárioe não só, a omnipresença das peças moldadas por injeção é inegável.

O processo envolve a fusão de plástico em bruto num máquina de moldagem por injeçãoA partir de então, o material é moldado num molde e deixado arrefecer e solidificar, produzindo componentes de design complexo.

A complexidade da conceção de peças de plástico exige uma atenção meticulosa a vários factores, incluindo requisitos funcionais, seleção de materiais e considerações estruturais. Entre os elementos-chave cruciais para este processo de design estão espessura da parede, rascunho, texturas, costelas, e, nomeadamente, chefes.

desenho de saliência para peça moldada por injeção

Servindo como pontos de fixação e montagem, as saliências são normalmente projecções cilíndricas com orifícios estrategicamente colocados para parafusos ou inserções roscadas. É fundamental assegurar a eficácia do seu design, exigindo raios de base generosos para maior resistência e um amplo calado para uma remoção perfeita das peças do molde.

Este blogue aborda as orientações fundamentais para design do chefe em peças moldadas por injeção, com o objetivo de melhorar a moldabilidade, prolongar a vida útil do molde, aumentar a longevidade operacional da peça e reduzir os custos de fabrico.

Design do chefe: Uma breve panorâmica

Em plástico conceção de peças moldadasUm elemento crucial que requer atenção é o conceito de desenho do chefe. O que constitui exatamente uma saliência nas peças moldadas? No fundo, uma saliência é uma caraterística estrutural - uma projeção cilíndrica que apresenta orifícios estrategicamente colocados em componentes moldados.

A principal função das saliências consiste em fornecer pontos de fixação para parafusos, fixadores ou outro material de montagem essencial. Estas características desempenham um papel fundamental na facilitação de processos de montagem suaves, assegurando simultaneamente a integridade estrutural do produto final.

Compreender e dominar o design da saliência é indispensável para otimizar a funcionalidade e a capacidade de fabrico das peças moldadas em plástico.

Elementos de design do chefe

A conceção eficaz da saliência é fundamental para a integridade estrutural das peças moldadas. Para obter uma resistência óptima sem comprometer o design geral, vários elementos-chave exigem uma análise cuidadosa:

Rácio de espessura

A espessura da parede das saliências não deve exceder 60 por cento da espessura da parede principal da peça. Atingir este equilíbrio é crucial para garantir a resistência da saliência sem comprometer a integridade estrutural global da peça moldada.

 Rácio do raio de base

A estabilidade e a prevenção de deformações durante o fabrico dependem em grande medida do rácio do raio de base. Um raio de base deve ser, pelo menos, 25% da espessura da parede principal, proporcionando uma base robusta. Isto corresponde a um diâmetro de base de, pelo menos, 50 por cento, contribuindo para a resiliência global da saliência.

Ligação a paredes adjacentes

Os chefes devem ser sempre ligados às paredes adjacentes utilizando nervuras ou reforços. Esta ligação estratégica ajuda a evitar a criação de secções espessas, minimizando o risco de deformação durante o processo de fabrico. Uma conceção cuidada garante uma integração perfeita dos ressaltos na estrutura global da peça.

 Relação de filetes na base

Como ponto de fixação entre duas superfícies, a base das bossas requer um rácio de filetes para uma maior resistência. Esta medida preventiva protege contra potenciais tensões induzidas pela inserção de parafusos ou outras ferragens, assegurando a resiliência e minimizando o risco de fratura.

A incorporação de uma relação de filete é um passo crítico para aumentar a longevidade e a fiabilidade da saliência dentro da peça moldada.

saliências típicas num desenho de uma peça de plástico

10 Directrizes Críticas de Conceção de Boss para Peças de Plástico Moldado

1. Raio mínimo na base da saliência

A implementação de um filete com um raio mínimo específico na base de um ressalto é imperativa para mitigar a concentração de tensões. Este raio é estrategicamente colocado onde a saliência intersecta a parede nominal, reduzindo efetivamente as tensões e melhorando a integridade estrutural global.

Embora o raio proporcione resistência, deve ser cuidadosamente controlado para evitar secções espessas, equilibrando o suporte estrutural e a capacidade de fabrico. O intervalo recomendado para este raio de base é de 0,25-0,5 vezes a espessura nominal da parede, garantindo um desempenho ótimo durante o processo de moldagem.

2. Espaçamento entre chefes

A colocação estratégica das saliências é crucial para evitar a criação de áreas finas que colocam desafios no processo de arrefecimento. A manutenção de um espaçamento adequado entre as saliências, idealmente pelo menos 2 vezes a espessura nominal da parede, é essencial para um arrefecimento eficiente e para a melhoria da qualidade.

A proximidade entre chefes pode levar a dificuldades de arrefecimento, afectando a produtividade e vida do molde. O espaçamento correto é fundamental para garantir um arrefecimento uniforme e aumentar a longevidade do molde.

3. Raio na base do furo no topo

A introdução de um raio na base do furo numa saliência tem várias finalidades, incluindo evitar cantos afiados e concentração de tensões. Esta caraterística de conceção ajuda no processo de moldagem e contribui para a redução da tensão, garantindo a longevidade da peça moldada.

O raio recomendado na base do furo na saliência situa-se no intervalo de 0,25 a 0,5 vezes a espessura nominal da parede, atingindo um equilíbrio entre a capacidade de fabrico e a redução de tensões.

4. Calado mínimo para o diâmetro externo do chefe

Para garantir uma fácil ejeção do molde, é necessário um calado adequado na diâmetro exterior (DE). Esta inclinação, normalmente maior ou igual a 0,5 graus, facilita um processo de desmoldagem suave.

Um calado adequado na superfície exterior da saliência não só agiliza o fabrico como também contribui para a eficiência do processo de moldagem por injeção, minimizando os desafios da produção.

5. Calado mínimo para identificação do chefe

As considerações de projeto requerem frequentemente um cone mínimo no diâmetro interior (ID) de uma saliência para um encaixe adequado com os fixadores.

Recomenda-se uma tiragem igual ou superior a 0,25 graus nas paredes interiores da saliência, de modo a garantir uma boa vedação. desmoldagem e estabelecendo um ajuste seguro para os fixadores. Este esboço no ID contribui tanto para a capacidade de fabrico como para a funcionalidade da peça moldada final.

6. Relação entre a altura da cabeça e o diâmetro externo

Encontrar o equilíbrio correto entre a altura da saliência e o diâmetro exterior (DE) é crucial para prevenir massa do material e secções espessas na base.

Com uma altura recomendada inferior a três vezes o diâmetro exterior, esta diretriz de conceção permite um arrefecimento eficaz, uma redução de tempo de cicloe a exatidão dimensional dos furos. Uma correcta rácio altura/OD é essencial para um desempenho ótimo da peça.

7. Raio mínimo na extremidade do ressalto

Para suportar cargas variáveis durante as condições de serviço, é essencial fornecer um filete com um raio mínimo específico na ponta de uma saliência. Esta caraterística de conceção reduz eficazmente a concentração de tensões e aumenta a durabilidade geral e a vida útil da peça moldada.

O raio mínimo recomendado na ponta contribui para a resiliência global do ressalto em diferentes cenários de carga.

8. Chanfro na parte superior da cabeça

Incorporação de um chanfro no topo de uma saliência é um avanço benéfico para os fixadores durante o processo de montagem. Esta caraterística de design assegura um encaixe e alinhamento suaves durante a montagem, simplificando o processo de fabrico.

O chanfro na parte superior da saliência contribui para a facilidade de montagem e para a qualidade geral da peça moldada final.

9. Espessura da parede do chefe

Mantendo uma espessura de parede ideal para as saliências, cerca de 60 por cento do parede nominalé fundamental para evitar problemas como vazios, marcas de afundamentoe tempos de ciclo alargados.

Embora exceder esta espessura possa levar a desafios de fabrico, o ajuste da espessura da parede pode ser considerado para saliências em áreas não visíveis, permitindo maiores tensões impostas pelos parafusos auto-roscantes. Encontrar o equilíbrio certo na espessura da parede é essencial para um desempenho ótimo da peça.

10. Chefe autónomo

Recomenda-se a implementação de um sistema de perfuração para as saliências e outras secções espessas para garantir um fluxo de material e uma distribuição de carga uniformes. A fixação da saliência à parede lateral aumenta a rigidez e o fluxo de material, contribuindo para a integridade estrutural global da peça moldada.

Esta consideração de design é crucial para alcançar um melhor desempenho e capacidade de fabrico das peças.

conceção do chefe no proE

Os desafios e as soluções na conceção de chefes

A conceção incorrecta da saliência coloca desafios que podem afetar significativamente a estética e a funcionalidade das peças moldadas. Quais são esses desafios? Como é que os pode resolver? Vamos explorar a seguir.

Causas de marcas de afundamento e deformação


Um dos principais desafios na conceção de bosses é o potencial para marcas de afundamento e deformações. Quando as saliências são concebidas de forma inadequada - quer sejam excessivamente espessas ou sem o reforço adequado - arrefecem a taxas diferentes das áreas circundantes.

Esta disparidade de temperatura pode levar a marcas de afundamento inestéticas, criando depressões na superfície e deformações, fazendo com que a peça se desvie da sua forma pretendida.


A resolução deste desafio envolve a otimização da espessura da parede das saliências e a incorporação de nervuras de reforço. Uma espessura de parede adequada assegura um arrefecimento uniforme, minimizando o risco de marcas de afundamento e deformação. As nervuras de reforço são cruciais para distribuir a tensão uniformemente pela saliência, evitando deformações localizadas e melhorando a integridade geral da peça.

Impacto no tempo de arrefecimento e no tempo de ciclo


As saliências influenciam diretamente o arrefecimento e os tempos de ciclo durante o processo de moldagem. Nos casos em que as saliências são excessivamente espessas ou mal concebidas, podem reter calor, resultando em tempos de arrefecimento e de ciclo prolongados.

Isto não só torna o processo de fabrico mais lento, como também conduz a aumento dos custos de produção.


A atenuação do impacto no arrefecimento e nos tempos de ciclo envolve ajustes estratégicos nos canais de arrefecimento dentro do molde. A otimização do design geral do molde, com especial atenção à colocação das saliências, pode minimizar os efeitos adversos no arrefecimento e nos tempos de ciclo.

Seleção e compatibilidade limitadas de materiais


O material selecionado para as peças moldadas influencia significativamente a conceção da saliência. A escolha de um material incompatível pode sujeitar a saliência a tensões excessivas, podendo levar a fissuras ou falhas.


A superação deste desafio passa pela seleção dos material correto para o design do chefe. Optar por um material com a força, a rigidez e a resistência química necessárias para garantir que o ressalto possa suportar as cargas e as condições ambientais.

A seleção de materiais é crucial para obter designs de saliências duradouros e fiáveis em peças moldadas.

elevada qualidade na conceção


As saliências em peças moldadas por injeção são características cruciais, actuando como âncoras, suportes e facilitadores de uma montagem fiável. Estes componentes desempenham um papel crucial para garantir a integridade estrutural e o desempenho ótimo do produto final.

O cumprimento das directrizes fundamentais de design é imperativo para produzir peças de plástico com bossas robustas, funcionais e visualmente apelativas.

Para aqueles que procuram peças moldadas de alta qualidade com um design de saliência fiável, Prototool surge como a escolha óptima. O nosso serviços de moldagem por injeção são apoiados por uma equipa experiente e empenhada em satisfazer as suas necessidades específicas. Quer saber mais? Entre em contacto hoje mesmo!

The post Boss Design: Key Elements, Design Guidelines, Common Problems & Solutions appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

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Estratégias para uma conceção de produtos bem sucedida com os materiais certos https://prototool.com/pt/successful-product-design-with-the-right-materials/ https://prototool.com/pt/successful-product-design-with-the-right-materials/#comments Sun, 21 Jan 2024 15:10:47 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17233 Strategies for Successful Product Design with the Right Materials

Vamos discutir o papel da seleção de materiais para a conceção de produtos, centrando-nos na colaboração com os moldadores para obter produtos esteticamente agradáveis.

The post Strategies for Successful Product Design with the Right Materials appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

Strategies for Successful Product Design with the Right Materials

Have you ever wondered what sets apart the designers who nail peças moldadas por injeção? There’s a league of experts who don’t just design parts but ace the game of crafting them for moldadores por injeção. As we dive into the world of injection molding, where precision meets production, we’re unraveling a crucial strategy for success: teaming up with your molder.

This isn’t your typical moldagem por injeção talk; we’re exploring the sweet spot where design intricacies and molding expertise converge. So, if you’re excited to make the most of your teamwork with the molder to ensure you choose the right materials when finalizing the design and processing of the production of your product, this article is just for you.

plastic material selection for product design

Keep reading to learn all about creating successful product designs with the right production materials.

Key Considerations for Designing High-Quality Molded Parts

Before embarking on the intricate journey of designing peças moldadas for injection molding, it is paramount to grasp the significance of key considerations. Understanding these considerations lays the groundwork for a collaborative and efficient design process.

By delving into the nuances of material consideration in product design, critical tolerances, marcas de afundamento, steel safe areas, and gate locations, designers can navigate potential challenges and optimize their designs for successful production. Now, let’s explore each consideration below in detail:

Material Options and Consequences

To begin with, understand the significance of material consideration to product design in designing premium molded parts. Collaborate effectively with molders by reaching a crucial agreement on specified resins – this forms the bedrock for a seamless production process.

Collaborate effectively with molders by reaching a crucial agreement on specified resins

Regarding material properties, align your choices with your molder’s preferences to unlock significant cost savings. If you’re dealing with high-performance resins, navigate challenges like viscosity, glass content, and crystallinity – these factors can significantly impact design precision and production efficiency.

Critical Tolerances

In injection molded part design, mastering tolerâncias apertadas requires a strategic blend of collaboration and insight. Understand the factors influencing tolerance variation, such as materials, process control, and tool design.

As a designer, it’s crucial to provide generous tolerances when feasible, but there are instances where tight tolerances become non-negotiable for fit, function, or appearance. You should also uncover practical suggestions for maintaining precise tolerance control, whether it’s through post-machining techniques or strategic gate locations.

mastering tight tolerances requires a strategic blend of collaboration and insight

Furthermore, it’s important to understand tolerance management in injection molding for optimal fit, function, and aesthetics.

Marcas de pia

Achieving cosmetic perfection in injection molded parts is an ongoing goal, and a key element to grasp is the intricacies of sink marks. Understand the guidelines that dictate maximum espessura da parede and their direct impact on the appearance of your design.

Work closely with your molder to tackle challenges stemming from the introduction of ribs, chefese draft angles. To anticipate and eliminate sink marks, explore solutions like minimizing draft, adjusting rib heights, and incorporating other design features.

By incorporating these strategies, you’ll enhance the visual appeal of your injection molded parts and achieve the coveted cosmetic perfection.

Steel Safe Areas

Achieving precision in injection molded part design demands meticulous attention, especially regarding snap fits, alignment featurese interlocking parts. Understand the significance of “steel safe” design features – meticulously planned clearances allowing adjustments after initial test shots.

By incorporating this foresight into your design, you sidestep complications and delays associated with welding. Collaborating closely with your selected molder is important, emphasizing early engagement to minimize revisions, establish critical dimensions, and make informed decisions about steel-safe areas.

This ensures a streamlined design process and paves the way for precision in every injection molded part.

Gate Location

Strategically placing gates in injection molded parts is a make-or-break factor influencing various attributes. Delve into the collaborative process involving designers, molders, and tool makers when specifying gate locations.

Acknowledge the effects that gate placement has on appearance, warpage, tolerances, acabamento da superfície e physical properties. Moreover, you can challenge conventional norms and explore the role of mold flow simulations in guiding gate design, ensuring it doesn’t compromise part performance, appearance, or fit.

Tips for Successful Product Design with the Right Materials

Before we get into the details, let’s talk about why these considerations matter to your product design. Crafting a killer design isn’t just about looks. In fact, it’s also about making sure your creation looks good and performs exceptionally.

We’re talking about understanding material properties, being cost-savvy without compromising quality, ensuring your product can endure, and, of course, making it visually appealing. And hey, being eco-conscious is pretty cool too.

Now, let’s dive into key strategies to help you ace the material consideration in product design:

Identify Key Material Properties and How They Shape Your Design

Understanding material properties is like having the blueprint for effective product design. This strategy deeply delves into the intricacies of key material properties such as tensile strength, ductility, elasticity, and thermal conductivity.

This will help you learn how these properties shape your design process and influence your final masterpiece’s overall performance and durability.

Identify Key Material Properties and How They Shape Your Design

Examine the Cost Efficiency of Different Materials

While your creative spark fuels your design, this strategy gears you up for the practical side – cost efficiency. Take a guided tour through a comprehensive analysis of the cost efficiency of various materials.

Furthermore, it’s important to delve not only into initial costs but also into long-term considerations, arming yourself with the knowledge to make decisions that elevate product quality and sustainability.

Evaluate the Strength and Durability of Materials

As a designer, strength and durability are your trusty sidekicks. This strategy breaks down the evaluation process, walking you through tests for tensile and compressive strength, impact resistance, and fatigue.

Don’t forget to gain insights into the significance of understanding material strength, empowering you to select materials that endure and excel in diverse applications.

Consider How Materials Respond to Environmental Conditions

For you, crafting environmentally resilient designs is crucial. This strategy sheds light on how materials respond to specific environmental conditions. Choose materials that ensure longevity and functionality if your creation faces scorching temperatures or relentless UV radiation.

Once that’s done, you can seamlessly incorporate environmental considerations into your design process for end products that stand the test of time.

Analyze the Aesthetic Qualities of Materials

Beyond functionality, aesthetics are your playground. This strategy explores the impact of texture, color, finish, and pattern on consumer perceptions. 

It is also important to understand how aesthetic qualities influence your material consideration in product design, shaping the visual identity of your creation. From matte finishes to reflective surfaces, become a master in creating visually appealing and harmonious designs.

Investigate the Sustainability of Materials

As a designer, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for you. Instead, it’s a design principle. This strategy emphasizes the importance of investigating the sustainability of materials.

Make sure to scrutinize material sourcing, production processes, and end-of-life disposal to make choices that align seamlessly with your environmental consciousness. You should also explore the versatility of sustainable materials, like bamboo, and play your part in creating a more eco-friendly design landscape.

Injection Molding Design Guide: Material Selection

Ultimately, choosing the right materials is a critical aspect of injection molding, influencing everything from product durability to cost-effectiveness.

In this article section, we’ll walk you through key considerations for material selection in product design, ensuring that your injection molding endeavors result in successful and efficient outcomes.

  • Appearance and Texture of Injection Molding Parts: Extend it way beyond functional – ensure the appearance and feel of your injection-molded parts. Learn how different plastics affect how surfaces look and feel. This matters a lot, especially when you want your products not just to work well but also look good.
  • Temperature Range and Cost Considerations: Temperature is a big deal in injection molding. Understand how to choose materials that can handle the right temperature. Plus, we’ll talk about costs – how to pick materials that fit your budget but still do the job. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between what works, lasts, and doesn’t break the bank.
  • Environmental Factors and Use Environment: Consider where your injection-molded parts will be used. Whether dealing with heat or tough conditions, the right material consideration in product design means your products can handle it. Get a grip on what keeps your products lasting and strong in different situations.

Injection Molding Design Guide: Part Design

Making great products with injection molding starts with smart design. This guide zooms in on how to create parts that work seamlessly with the injection molding process. From nailing down the basics of wall thickness to choosing materials that fit the bill, these tips help you design parts that rock in injection molding.

  • Wall Thickness Basics for Injection Molded Parts: What is the core of creating parts in injection molding? Knowing the basics of how thick your walls should be. To figure out the right thickness for different materials, check out the suggestions in the table below:
ABS0.045 in – 0.140 in
Acetal0.030 in – 0.120 in
Acrílico0.025 in – 0.500 in
Polímero de cristais líquidos0.030 in – 0.120 in
Long-Fiber Reinforced Plastics0.075 in – 1.000 in
Nylon0.030 in – 0.115 in
Policarbonato0.040 in – 0.150 in
Polyester0.025 in – 0.125 in
Polyethylene0.030 in – 0.200 in
Sulfureto de polifenileno0.020 in – 0.180 in
Polipropileno0.025 in – 0.150 in
Poliestireno0.035 in – 0.150 in
Polyurethane0.080 in – 0.750 in

This comprehensive material chart serves as a practical tool, offering precise recommendations for wall thickness based on the material selected, ensuring a smooth and efficient injection molding process.


Mastering the art of material selection in product design is essential for successful injection molding. By following these methods, product designers can find the right mix of practicality, good looks, and affordability. Stay tuned for more insights and guidelines to elevate your injection molding game.

Still struggling with the design process? Don’t worry! Now, you can elevate your injection molding game, consider partnering with Prototool, a trusted and professional CNC manufacturing and injection molding service provider.

Our expertise aligns seamlessly with the strategies discussed, ensuring your material selection in product design and designing process is executed with precision, delivering products that excel in functionality, aesthetics, and cost-effectiveness. Contact our professionals today!

The post Strategies for Successful Product Design with the Right Materials appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

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Dominar os buracos cegos e os buracos passantes no design https://prototool.com/pt/blind-holes-and-through-holes-in-design/ https://prototool.com/pt/blind-holes-and-through-holes-in-design/#comments Sun, 14 Jan 2024 10:36:28 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17210 Mastering Blind Holes and Through Holes in Design

Explore os furos cegos e os furos passantes neste guia especificamente destinado a profissionais que pretendem melhorar as suas competências de conceção de peças.

The post Mastering Blind Holes and Through Holes in Design appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

Mastering Blind Holes and Through Holes in Design

Managers, designers, and engineers in the manufacturing industry must understand blind holes and through holes for proper performance. This should enable them to perfect their profession.

To help you with that, this in-depth guide will unfold the strategic application of these design elements, providing valuable insights tailored to your needs as a professional or enthusiast. So keep reading to learn all about blind holes and through holes.

The Basics: Blind Holes vs. Through Holes

Blind holes, with a single open end, and through holes, traversing a part from end to end, are foundational in engineering. Distinguishable by symbols and manufacturing ease, the choice between them influences your design flexibility, alignmente complexity. Let’s explore these differences further below:

drawings for the blind holes turning and through holes turning
  • Symbol: No GD&T symbol for Blind Holes; Through Holes typically represented with a ⊗
  • Manufacturing Ease: Blind Holes are generally more challenging; Through Holes are relatively straightforward
  • Use Cases: Blind Holes are ideal for depth-specific scenarios; Through Holes are suitable for various applications
  • Complexity: Blind Holes can have a flat bottom with effort; Through Holes have a uniform cylindrical geometry
  • Customization: Blind Holes offer more design flexibility; Through Holes have standardized geometry
  • Alinhamento: Blind Holes require precise positioning; Through Holes are easier to align during assembly

Elements and Considerations for Blind Holes

Meticulous planning is indispensable in blind hole design, encompassing depth, diameter, material properties, and part orientation. The callout ⌀.098 ↧.200, for instance, specifies a hole with a diameter of 0.098 inches and a depth of 0.200 inches. Placement and orientation significantly impact stress distribution, machining tool access, and overall aesthetics.

Tolerances, Surface Finish, and Material Considerations

  • Achieving precise tolerances and suitable surface finishes is critical.
  • Material properties influence decisions regarding tolerances.
  • The intended application guides you toward achieving the required accuracy.

Cleaning and Drilling Techniques for Blind Holes

Efficient cleaning and drilling are crucial in blind hole manufacturing. Specialized tools, such as modified drill bits ou fresas de topo, offer customization options. Techniques like using air or high-pressure liquid coolant facilitate efficient chip extraction, contributing to the overall quality of the blind holes.

Cleaning Techniques

  • Hand-operated air guns or specialized handheld hole cleaners facilitate material removal.
  • Cleaning blind holes after drilling is advisable to remove leftover debris.

Drilling Techniques

  • Modified drill bits or end mills are employed for creating flat-bottomed blind holes.
  • Material removal of chips during drilling is crucial for preventing complications and ensuring component longevity.
blind holes in the screws

Design Considerations for Blind Holes

The significance of blind holes transcends their presence in a design; it lies in the delicate balance between form and function. Planning blind holes necessitates your meticulous attention to depth and diameter, aligning with expected capability and underlying prerequisites. Material properties demand different machining settings, influencing the design of blind holes for optimal functionality.

Placement and Orientation

  • Strategic placement and orientation significantly impact the usefulness and manufacturability of parts.
  • Even stress distribution, easy machining tool access, and overall aesthetics become critical considerations.
  • Alignment of blind holes during assembly ensures seamless integration into your larger design.

Tolerances, Surface Finish, and Material Considerations in Blind Hole Design

The achievement of precise tolerances and suitable acabamento da superfície is a nuanced process in blind hole design. Material properties, machinability, and the intended application influence decisions regarding tolerances. The intricate relationship between material properties, machining processes, and optimal surface finish guides you toward achieving the required accuracy in blind hole desenho.

Precision CNC Drilling with Blind Hole

Precision CNC drilling is pivotal in achieving manufacturing excellence, especially when dealing with blind holes. The drill depth clearance in blind holes is crucial to provide sufficient space for taps to effectively cut or machine the needed number of threads. The choice of tap type, material thickness, and the intended application influence the hole depth, requiring your thoughtful approach to maintain the integrity of the machining material.

Tapping Considerations in Blind Hole Design

  • Blind hole design extends beyond drilling; it includes tapping considerations, where the choice of tap type and hole depth become critical factors.
  • The left-hand machine tap, with its straight flute and peel point, is suitable for through holes where chips are ejected below the hole.
  • In contrast, blind holes demand a right-hand spiral flute tap where chips are removed above the hole to ensure clean cutting.

Through Hole Components

Long before the era of surface mount components, through-hole parts dominated PCB design. Despite the evolution in design preferences, through-hole components retain their significance for specific applications. Their standardized package sizes and robust mechanical attachment make them indispensable for connectors, switches, and other parts subjected to mechanical forces.

common through holes

So, while surface mount components dominate contemporary PCB design, through-hole components retain their significance, especially for robust mechanical attachments. Components conducting high power or generating substantial heat find optimal solutions in through-hole connections.

Here are some key considerations for through-hole processing for designs:

Power, Durability, and Heat

  • Through-hole components continue to play a vital role in PCB design, offering you unmatched durability, mechanical strength, and heat dissipation.
  • Parts requiring robust mechanical attachment, such as switches, connectorse fuses, find optimal solutions in through-hole connections.
  • Through holes are favored for components conducting high power or generating substantial heat, showcasing their adaptability in your modern designs.

PCB Assembly Challenges and Solutions

  • Through-hole parts present unique challenges in the PCB assembly phase.
  • Manual installation or automated insertion through pick-and-place machines becomes a critical decision.
  • Automated soldering through a wave soldering process demands additional considerations, such as masking surface mount components to prevent exposure to the wave.

Factors Influencing CNC Drilling Design

Optimizing CNC Drilling Process: Success in CNC drilling hinges on numerous factors. Exploring drill entry and exit surfaces, hole straightness, and overall part layout is crucial for achieving optimal results.

milling for the blind holes

Role of Designers: You play a pivotal role in the CNC drilling process. Your responsibilities extend to optimizing drill paths, considering material characteristics, and accounting for tooling constraints. Collaboration between you and machinists is key for a seamless manufacturing process.

Design Considerations

  • Drill Entry and Exit Surfaces: The significance of perpendicular entry and exit surfaces in CNC drilling cannot be overstated. Further elaborating on this aspect, you should give examples and case studies showing how it affects the outcome.
  • Handling Interrupted Cuts: Challenges arise when dealing with interrupted cuts during CNC drilling. Explaining these challenges and offering strategies to minimize deflection ensures a smoother drilling process, especially in complex designs.
  • Threaded Product Design: Designing products with threaded elements requires your careful consideration. Insights into incorporating chamfers and countersinks not only enhance functionality but also simplify the manufacturing process.
  • Intersecting Holes: The risks associated with intersecting drilled and reamed holes are nuanced. Presenting case studies and best practices guides you in avoiding potential pitfalls and ensuring the integrity of the final product.
  • Reaming Practices: Elaborating on good practices for reaming blind holes, providing guidance on extra drilled depth, and referencing a linked table for specifications enhances the precision of your CNC drilling designs.

Designing Holes for CNC Drilling

  • Blind Hole Considerations: Blind holes add complexity to CNC drilling. Discussing the bottom shape of blind holes, addressing the need for standard drill points, and exploring potential alternatives provide you with valuable insights.
  • Avoiding Deep Holes: Deep holes present challenges in CNC drilling, impacting tool stability and heat dissipation. Highlighting the consequences and showcasing alternative solutions, including specialized drills, guides you in making informed choices.
  • Size Considerations: Choosing appropriate hole sizes is a critical aspect of CNC drilling design. Discussing the impact of small holes on production efficiency and providing practical guidelines aids you in optimizing your designs.

Coordinating CNC Drilling Design

  • Coordinate Systems: Rectangular coordinates are preferred in hole location designation for CNC drilling. Emphasizing the advantages of this system, such as ease of machining, guides you in coordinating precise hole placements.
  • Single-Side Drilling: Designing parts with holes drilled from a single side streamlines tooling and reduces handling time. Exploring the benefits of this approach encourages efficient and cost-effective CNC drilling.
  • Standardization: Stressing the importance of standardizing hole sizes and screw threads is crucial for consistent manufacturing. Offering practical examples and industry recommendations supports you in creating designs aligned with best practices.

Calculations for Depth of Cut and Clearance

  • Depth of Cut Calculation: Breaking down the calculation process for determining the depth of cut for blind and through holes provides a practical tool for optimizing your CNC drilling designs.
  • Clearance Calculation: Explaining the formula for calculating clearance underscores its impact on hole quality, accuracy, and tool performance. This knowledge empowers you to fine-tune your designs for optimal results.

Still have questions? Contact our professional team at Prototool to assist you with understanding the entire blind or through hole drilling process.

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Etapas gerais na conceção de dispositivos médicos e no desenvolvimento de produtos https://prototool.com/pt/general-steps-in-medical-device-design-and-product-development/ https://prototool.com/pt/general-steps-in-medical-device-design-and-product-development/#respond Tue, 09 Jan 2024 02:17:09 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17152 General Steps In Medical Device Design And Product Development

Descubra as principais etapas da conceção de dispositivos médicos e do desenvolvimento de produtos, garantindo a qualidade e a conformidade com regulamentos rigorosos.

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General Steps In Medical Device Design And Product Development

A professional industrial design company specializing in medical devices will adhere to stringent quality control regulations in medical device design and product development processes. This is crucial for ensuring the efficiency and quality of medical product design and development. Here, we share the common steps in medical device product design and development.

Medical Device Design Draft

1. Project Initiation and Approval

Normally when an industrial design company receives the medical product design requirements of a client, it issues a project task document announcing that henceforward the start of this project means work into designing and development began.

Medical device product development and design case

2. Planning for Medical Device Design and Development

After initiating the project, designers create a corresponding elite team based on specific design requirements, with each member responsible for their respective task. Once the team has completed designing and developing a concept, they propose different concepts such as the function of the medical device meaning what it does appearance of structural integrity , materials used in its manufacturing process

3. Key Inputs in Design and Development

The product’s functions, features, safety requirements and risk management regulations are defined based on findings of market research. This involves considering various aspects: those of the product’s principal application, characteristics and benefits , potential in service to satisfy such needs as personnel workload equipment air temperature safety precautions stability of position time span available raw materials etc. These aspects are critically reviewed, confirmed and documented with rigorous precision before necessary documentation is circulated.

4. Outputs in Design and Development

The design output should first meet the design input requirements. It must specify the required raw materials, components, technical standards, acceptance rules, product execution standards, engineering drawings, component details, production process flow, machining process, production line equipment, prototypes, testing procedures and methods, packaging, and packaging labels in detail. Additionally, one should meticulously maintain records of the design and development process.

Medical Device Design and Development Case

5. Review of Design and Development Plans

One should systematically review design and development plans to ensure their applicability and effectiveness. This process verifies that the outcomes meet the overall objectives. The purpose is to evaluate whether the results of the design and development phases meet the specified requirements of the design plan and comply with relevant laws and regulations. This step identifies any shortcomings and proposes solutions to prevent product non-conformity at an early stage.

Medical Device Design and Development Case02

6. Verification of Design and Development

To ensure the outputs of medical device product design and development meet the specified inputs, one should conduct verification according to the planned allocation. Verification methods include: using different approaches to design and verify against the design data or requirements; comparing with similar designs; prototyping for testing and demonstration; self-testing of prototypes; third-party testing; and document review.

7. Validation of Design and Development

To ensure that the product meets the required usability standards or the known anticipated primary use, validation of the medical device product’s design and development should be conducted according to the design plan’s allocation. This includes clinical evaluation, simulation and comparison reviews, and feature evaluations.

Additionally, one should conduct design changes and change reviews if necessary. It’s essential to clearly state the reasons, requirements, and standards for changes, and these changes must also undergo review.

Medical Device Design and Development Case03

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Factores que afectam o custo ou o preço do protótipo https://prototool.com/pt/prototype-cost-prototype-pricing/ https://prototool.com/pt/prototype-cost-prototype-pricing/#respond Mon, 08 Jan 2024 07:32:09 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17132 Factors Affecting the Prototype Cost or Pricing

Descubra os principais factores que afectam os custos dos protótipos rápidos. Um guia conciso para compreender e estimar os preços dos protótipos rápidos.

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Factors Affecting the Prototype Cost or Pricing

Recently, a client emailed us at Prototool, questioning the varying prices of similar products we’ve collaborated on over the years. They wondered if our pricing was arbitrary. Prototool has been in the prototype industry for 12 years, adhering to a policy of integrity and honest pricing. The pricing of prototypes, being custom products, lacks a standard reference. Most factories base their quotes on the perceived difficulty of the manufacturing process, which can be quite subjective.

However, Prototool operates differently. We gather relevant personnel to discuss the process, labor, and analyze costs, risks, and delivery times in detail after organizing the drawings. This approach ensures more accurate pricing. Let’s discuss the factors that influence the cost of a prototype.

1. Choice of Prototyping Method

In the current scenario, common prototyping methods include CNC machining, 3D printing, and small-batch replication. The choice of material often dictates the prototyping method. For materials with higher requirements, CNC machining is preferred despite its higher cost, as it guarantees material stability. For quantities over ten pieces with material requirements similar to ABS, small-batch replication is chosen. This involves creating one or two prototypes with simple silicone molds, significantly saving time and cost compared to CNC machining. 3D printing is less expensive, but the material strength and temperature resistance are much lower than CNC and replication prototypes.

Prototypes are manufactured using CNC machines

2. Materials Used in the Prototype

Sometimes, choosing different materials can lead to a significant difference in pricing. The reasons are twofold. First, the cost of different materials varies greatly. Special materials like PEEK and Teflon are much more expensive than common materials like ABS, PC, and PMMA. Second, the processing time for different materials varies. Harder materials like aluminum alloy, stainless steel, and POM take longer to process compared to plastics like ABS and PC, as the milling speed is slower and more time-consuming.

The cost of prototypes varies from material to material.

3. Differences in Surface Treatment

For basic or internal components, the process usually involves deburring or rough sanding after machining. However, when advanced finishes like painting, electroplating, or transparency are required, it necessitates meticulous sanding by skilled workers. This increases the labor cost significantly, naturally leading to a higher price for these specialized surface treatments.

4. Risk Factors in Prototype Manufacturing

Many are aware that machining magnesium alloys is expensive. This is due to the high reactivity of magnesium alloy, which has a low ignition point, making it prone to catching fire if not handled carefully during processing. This risk can lead to considerable losses. Similarly, materials with high reactivity or designs with thin structural walls have a higher scrap rate. Therefore, prototype pricing specialists consider these risk factors and adjust their quotes accordingly.

5. Rush Orders and Capacity Saturation

Often, there are situations where a prototype is needed urgently, requiring a turnaround time of two to three days instead of the normal five-day cycle. In such cases, each prototype manufacturer must assess their current order saturation before committing. Prioritizing a rush order inevitably impacts the progress of other orders and may require overtime work from the staff. Therefore, the pricing specialists adjust their quotes based on the current order load and the feasibility of completing other orders smoothly, leading to price fluctuations for rush orders.

CNC machined prototypes

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O ABC do design de estilo de produto no design industrial https://prototool.com/pt/the-abcs-of-product-styling-design/ https://prototool.com/pt/the-abcs-of-product-styling-design/#respond Thu, 04 Jan 2024 14:46:42 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17084 The ABCs of Product Styling Design In Industrial Design

Explore o mundo do design de estilo de produtos em design industrial. O seu objetivo é criar produtos únicos, funcionais e esteticamente apelativos.

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The ABCs of Product Styling Design In Industrial Design

Product styling design is a fission design from 1 to N. Breaking through conventional product perceptions and traditional styling constraints can lead to many unique products. This is also the logical rule of product innovation. Starting with styling, it’s crucial to understand the exterior design of a product.

Empathetic Thinking: What is Product Styling Design?

In simple terms, product styling refers to the external form of a product. Grasping the form of a product is a process of showcasing the need for innovation.

What Constitutes Good Styling Design?

Unique product styling design from PLAT

For sales, good styling design is one that can close deals.

For designers, it’s about innovative design.

For users, it’s about functionality, aesthetics, and affordability.

Understanding different perspectives in design helps identify breakthrough directions in styling design.

Finding Inspiration in Everyday Products for Product Styling

Breaking conventional ideologies to create unique designs

Common Mouse Styles

Do the mice you commonly use look like the one in the image above? Most likely, the shape of your mouse is not too different.

Mozer Mouse Product Design

Let’s look at a product design from Mozer. At first glance, does it look like a mouse?

Mozer Mouse is great all about product styling!

Indeed, it’s a mouse design, born out of the development of AR technology and the emergence of the metaverse society. By breaking the traditional mouse shape and retaining the “three-dimensional mouse” form, the product’s styling is redesigned using lines and segmentation, offering a fresh perspective.

Bladeless fan styling

Consider a bladeless fan design, which removes traditional fan blades and the “bulky” large form. The air outlet is transformed into a hollow design, making it hard to recognize as a fan at first glance.

With optimized air outlets and innovative styling, parents using bladeless fans don’t have to worry about their children getting hurt by fan blades.

Bladeless fans can be used as decorative items without being forgotten

The fan’s styling becomes more sophisticated and modern. Placed in a corner of a room, it might not just “gather dust” but could also serve as a decorative piece.

In summary, product styling design cannot be separated from life. It requires innovation while retaining the product’s original functionality. Addressing user pain points is key, and achieving a more sophisticated look is trendy. Good styling design needs multi-dimensional innovation.

Product styling design case online

However, breaking conventional ideologies should not result in mere conceptual products. Real, practical, innovative designs that preserve the product’s functionality and innovate in appearance are the essence of correct product logic.

Product Styling Design: “Interpreting” Before “Answering”

Just as teachers instruct students to read and interpret a question before answering it, this approach also applies to the second logic of product styling design.

The first step in product styling is to disassemble and analyze

The first step in designing a product’s form is “deconstruction.” This involves analyzing the product’s structure and appearance, determining which core functions to retain, and identifying opportunities for innovative design.

The next step is to redesign, focusing on the product’s proportions, posture, element details, and overall balance. Good design, like the human body, requires coordinated “hands and feet.”


Product styling design involves various proportions: balanced, symmetrical, positive-negative graphics, asymmetrical, etc.

Proportions in product styling

Each proportion corresponds to how the parts of the product are logically distributed. Decisions about what to remove, bend, or divide are crucial. This aspect is also a visual part of styling design, key to attracting consumers.


After determining the proportions, the next step is adjusting the posture. Whether the product is vertical or inclined, spherical or cylindrical, adjustments should be made according to the proportions. This step allows for creative freedom in designing the product’s appearance.

A kettle poster that focuses on product styling

Element Details

Once the product’s posture is set, and the basic shape is complete, it’s time to add detail elements, the symbolic elements of the product. These could be holes, handles, knobs, etc., that highlight the product’s features.

These are the product’s “memory points.” Each product has its own; for instance, a lamp will have a light-emitting part, a cup will have a design for water ingress and egress.

A speaker that pays attention to the details of the elements

Regardless of the type of product, memory points use element details to subtly showcase the product’s features.


The final step in styling design is achieving visual balance, the product’s overall coherence.

This step ensures that the product doesn’t provoke a sense of discomfort in the consumer. It involves coordinated color schemes, patterned element arrangements, and aesthetically pleasing line designs.

Conceptual perfume bottle shape

Product styling design aims to create an appearance that first catches the consumer’s eye for its beauty and then piques their curiosity. This captures the consumer’s attention, giving the product a chance to “interpret” itself.

Please note: The images in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement of copyright, please contact us via email for deletion.

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Para um principiante, que software de design de produtos devo escolher? https://prototool.com/pt/product-design-software/ https://prototool.com/pt/product-design-software/#respond Thu, 04 Jan 2024 09:48:58 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17080 As a Beginner, Which Product Design Software Should I Choose?

Comparar o software de conceção de produtos, do CAID e Rhino ao CATIA e SolidWorks, e os seus papéis únicos na conceção estética e estrutural.

The post As a Beginner, Which Product Design Software Should I Choose? appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

As a Beginner, Which Product Design Software Should I Choose?

In industrial design firms, designers typically use two major categories of product design software: graphic design software and 3D design software. Within the 3D design category, people divide modeling software into two types: one for aesthetic design and the other for structural design. Designers in different specializations use software that features characteristics unique to their respective fields.

product prototype made by product design software

Aesthetic designers commonly use surface-type modeling software, collectively known as CAID (Computer-Aided Industrial Design). CAID software uniquely serves industrial designers, blending visual effects with industrial CAD. These designers work at the crossroads of art and industry. Hence, CAID software possesses an artistic flair, offering freedom and directness, unlike the rigorous precision of CAD software.

Rhinoceros (Rhino)

Launched in 1998 by the American company Robert McNeel, Rhinoceros, or Rhino, is a high-end surface modeling tool based on NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines). NURBS models curved surfaces by defining 3D models with curves and surfaces. This method focuses specifically on creating smooth, curved shapes. Rhino was the first product design software to fully integrate the powerful AGLib NURBS modeling technology into Windows. It’s versatile in constructing tools, automotive parts, consumer products, hulls, mechanical casings, gears, and more. With the introduction of subd tools in Rhino 7.0, its capabilities have expanded to include organic forms like characters and biological models. Rhino offers an easy-to-learn, flexible, and highly precise modeling environment.

product design software rhino logo

Rhino is a widely popular CAID software. It’s known for its extensive tutorials and appeal to those interested in self-learning industrial design modeling. In the realm of industrial design, Rhino is a go-to modeling software for aesthetic designers.

Using rhino software to make a automotive product design

For beginners in product design, Rhino offers an accessible and comprehensive platform to develop and refine modeling skills. Its user-friendly interface, combined with a vast array of features, makes it an ideal choice for those starting their journey in product design.

Autodesk Alias

Autodesk Alias, formerly known as Alias StudioTools, is a computer-aided product design software developed by Autodesk. It supports everything from basic sketching to advanced surface construction, offering high precision and detailing in surface and curve sculpting. Alias Auto Studio has become an industrial standard in automotive design (including motorcycles, yachts, and private planes), with its high-quality modeling surfaces known as Class-A surfaces, often the final output in automotive design stages.

Autodesk Alias For Automotive parts structural design

Alias skillfully connects design with engineering, art with science, making the entire design process seamless. It integrates design, creativity, and production, becoming a global dream tool for industrial designers. Alias designs a wide range of products, including airplanes, satellites, cars, and everyday items like lipstick. Many countries extensively use it for advanced military design.

alias autodesk designer personal work


Creo, launched by PTC in October 2010, is a CAD software package that integrates PTC’s Pro/Engineer parametric technology, CoCreate’s direct modeling, and ProductView’s 3D visualization. This method is particularly a good choice for product structural design. Industries like automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, molds, toys, industrial design, and mechanical manufacturing widely use it. Creo is ideal for beginners, as it fosters good habits in parametric modeling. Structural engineers extensively use it.

Creo software designed industrial product

CATIA is renowned for its superior surface and 3D modeling capabilities, excelling in high-quality surface modeling and capable of achieving G3 and G4 continuity, while Creo typically reaches G2. CATIA provides comprehensive design capabilities, covering everything from conceptual design to final product formation. It includes complete 2D, 3D, parametric, and data management solutions. CATIA, as an integrated software system, combines mechanical design, engineering analysis, simulation, CNC machining, and CATweb online solutions. It provides a rigorous, paperless work environment. Its competitors include UG NX, Creo (Pro/E), Topsolid, and Cimatron, with CATIA holding a significant market share in design and engineering software, especially in specialized industries like automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding.


UG-NX, produced by Siemens PLM Software, is a product engineering solution that offers digital modeling and validation tools for product design and manufacturing processes. Unigraphics NX caters to virtual product and process design needs, meeting various industrial requirements with proven solutions.

Using UG make a industrial part design

This interactive CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) system is powerful, facilitating the construction of complex entities and models with ease. Initially based on workstations, UG-NX has seen rapid growth on PCs due to hardware advancements and the increasing number of personal users. It has become a mainstream application in the mold industry for 3D design. Siemens PLM’s UG NX enables enterprises to transition to product lifecycle management through a new generation of digital desenvolvimento de produtos systems. UG NX includes the most widely used integrated application suite for product design, engineering, and manufacturing development processes.


SolidWorks, the world’s first 3D CAD system developed for Windows, quickly became the most profitable company in the CAD/CAM industry within two years. This success was due to its technological innovation and alignment with CAD technology trends. SolidWorks achieves dozens or even hundreds of technical innovations each year due to strong user support. This success has earned the company numerous accolades.

Solidworks-based 3D modeling of a four-wheel drive trajectory cart robot

SolidWorks is famous for its powerful functionality, extensive components, and ease of use. These features make it a leading and mainstream 3D CAD solution. It offers various design options, reduces errors in the design process, and enhances product quality. While SolidWorks provides such powerful capabilities, it is also user-friendly and easy to learn. This makes it accessible to engineers and designers. However, its usage rate in product design companies is relatively lower compared to Creo.

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Princípios Gerais de Conceção de Peças Plásticas para Moldagem por Injeção https://prototool.com/pt/general-principles-of-plastic-part-design-for-injection-molding/ https://prototool.com/pt/general-principles-of-plastic-part-design-for-injection-molding/#comments Thu, 04 Jan 2024 03:43:42 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17055 General Principles of Plastic Part Design For Injection Molding

Experienced product designers deeply understand injection molding processes and consider numerous factors in plastic part design. This article focuses on essential elements such as wall thickness, draft angles, ribs, holes, pillars, snaps, interference fits, and tolerances in plastic molded part design. Wall Thickness In Plastic Parts Design Determining the appropriate wall thickness is crucial. Other […]

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General Principles of Plastic Part Design For Injection Molding

Experienced product designers deeply understand injection molding processes and consider numerous factors in plastic part design. This article focuses on essential elements such as wall thickness, draft angles, ribs, holes, pillars, snaps, interference fits, and tolerances in plastic molded part design.

Wall Thickness In Plastic Parts Design

Determining the appropriate wall thickness is crucial. Other features like ribs and fillets reference the wall thickness. The wall thickness of a plastic product depends on various requirements, including the external forces it must withstand, support for other parts, properties of the plastic material, weight, electrical performance, dimensional accuracy, stability, and assembly requirements.

Typically, the wall thickness for thermoplastic materials ranges from 1 to 6mm, with 2 to 3mm being most common. For larger parts, thicknesses can exceed 6mm. Table 1 shows recommended values for the wall thickness of various thermoplastics.

MateriaisMinimum Wall ThicknessRecommended Values For Small WorkpiecesRecommended Values For Medium WorkpiecesRecommended Values For Large Workpieces
Table 1

Uniformity of Wall Thickness

Uniform wall thickness is a key principle in plastic part design. Uneven thickness can cause inconsistent melt flow and cooling shrinkage, leading to defects like sink marks, voids, warping, or even cracking. It can also result in shrinkage marks, internal stresses, distortion, color variations, or differences in transparency. Thinner walls may compromise strength and rigidity during use and assembly. Economically, overly thick parts increase material costs and production time. Areas with thicker plastic cool slower, leading to sink marks. Figure 1 illustrates uniform wall thickness design.

Uniform wall thickness is a good injection molded part design
Figura 1

If a transition from thicker to thinner sections is unavoidable, it should be gradual, maintaining a maximum ratio of 3:1 in wall thickness, as shown in Figure 2.

ratio of 3 to 1 in wall thickness
Figura 2

In many cases, designers can use ribs to modify the overall wall thickness, which not only saves material and reduces production costs but also shortens cooling time. Cooling time is approximately proportional to wall thickness.

Additionally, designers must consider the flow path, the distance the molten material travels from the gate to all parts of the cavity. Generally, there’s a proportional relationship between flow path and wall thickness. A larger wall thickness means a longer flow path. If the ratio of flow path to wall thickness is too high, material shortage or incomplete filling can occur far from the gate. Therefore, increasing wall thickness might be necessary in some cases.

Sharp Angles

Sharp angles often lead to defects and stress concentration in parts. These areas are prone to unwanted material accumulation during post-processing treatments like electroplating or painting. Stress concentration can cause fractures under load or impact. Therefore, it’s advisable to avoid sharp angles in design. Figure 3 provides an example of sharp angle design.

Sharp Angles In Plastic Part Design
Figure 3

Draft Angles and Ejection Direction Considerations

Ejection Direction and Parting Line

At the onset of designing an injection-molded product, it’s crucial to establish the ejection direction and parting line. This ensures minimal core-pulling mechanisms and reduces the impact of parting lines on the appearance. Once the ejection direction is set, structures like ribs, snaps, and protrusions should align with it to avoid core pulling, reduce seam lines, and extend mold life. The appropriate parting line can then be chosen to enhance appearance and performance.

During ejection from the mold, the part must overcome ejection and opening forces. Opening refers to the part’s detachment from the cavity. As the part cools inside the mold, it shrinks, causing the hole walls to grip the core tightly. Friction between the part and core, vacuum adhesion at the hole bottom, and other factors make ejection forces significantly greater than opening forces. Excessive ejection forces can deform the part, cause whitening, wrinkling, and surface abrasions.

Draft Angles

Draft angles are crucial in determining the magnitude of ejection forces. Since injection-molded parts often adhere to the convex mold due to cooling shrinkage, equal draft angles on both concave and convex molds ensure uniform wall thickness and prevent the part from sticking to the hotter concave mold after ejection. In special cases where the part is required to stick to the concave mold post-ejection, the draft angle on the adjoining concave part can be reduced, or an undercut can be deliberately added to the concave mold.

There’s no fixed value for draft angles; they are usually determined based on experience. Highly polished outer walls can have draft angles as small as 1/8 or 1/4 degree. For deeper or textured parts, the draft angle should increase correspondingly. Conventionally, an additional 1 degree of draft angle is required for every 0.025mm depth of texture.

Moreover, while larger draft angles generally facilitate easier ejection, it’s vital to maintain dimensional accuracy. The dimensional errors caused by draft angles must stay within the precision range. For parts with significant shrinkage or complex shapes, larger draft angles should be considered.

Ribs in Plastic Part Design

The strength of plastic parts does not solely depend on increased wall thickness. In fact, increased thickness can lead to internal stresses due to shrinkage, thereby reducing strength. The key to enhancing the strength of plastic parts lies in their stiffness. This is often achieved through a combination of thin-wall styles and strategically placed ribs to increase the section modulus.

Rib Design Considerations

However, adding ribs results in increased thickness at the junction with the main wall. This thickness typically depends on the largest inscribed circle, determined by the rib thickness and the radius of the root fillet. With a base material thickness of 4mm, changing the rib thickness and root fillet radius alters the diameter of the largest inscribed circle. Figure 4 illustrates how local increases in wall thickness can lead to shrinkage deformation on the back, affecting the appearance. Proper design can reduce the likelihood of surface indentations, thus improving part quality.

rib shrinkage areas
Figure 4

From the analysis, it’s evident that the thickness of the rib should be minimized within limits. If the rib is too thin, its height must be increased to maintain stiffness. However, excessively thin ribs can lead to deformation under pressure, difficulties in filling during molding, and sticking to the mold. The radius of the rib’s base should not be too small to avoid stress concentration.

Generally, the radius of the rib’s root should be at least 40% of the rib thickness. The rib thickness should be between 50% and 75% of the base material’s wall thickness, with the higher ratio limited to materials with low shrinkage rates. The height of the rib should be less than five times the thickness of the base material. Ribs must have draft angles and be oriented in the direction of ejection or use movable mold components. The spacing between ribs should be more than twice the thickness of the base material.

To achieve uniform stiffness in all directions, the simplest method is to add ribs both longitudinally and transversely, intersecting at right angles. However, this can increase wall thickness at intersections, leading to greater shrinkage. A common solution is to add a round hole at the intersection to create uniform wall thickness, as shown in Figure 5.

Adding a round hole at the intersection to create a uniform wall thickness
Figure 5

Plastic Parts Design Considerations for Holes

1. Hole Placement and Strength

Incorporating holes in plastic parts for assembly or functionality is common. The size and placement of these holes should ideally not compromise the product’s strength or add complexity to the manufacturing process. Key factors to consider:

  • The distance between adjacent holes or between a hole and the nearest edge should be at least equal to the diameter of the hole. This is particularly important for holes near edges to prevent fracture. For threaded holes, the distance from the hole to the edge of the product should generally be more than three times the diameter of the hole.

2. Types of Holes

There are various types of holes, such as through holes, furos cegos, and stepped holes. From an assembly perspective, through holes are more common and easier to produce than blind holes. In terms of mold design, through holes are structurally more straightforward. They can be formed with cores fixed in both the movable and fixed parts of the mold, or with a single core in either part. The former creates two cantilever beams under the action of the molten plastic, but with short arms, resulting in minimal deformation.

The latter, generally forming a simply supported beam, also has minimal deformation. When using two cores, their diameters should differ slightly to prevent misalignment and ensure smooth mating surfaces. Blind holes, formed with a cantilever beam core, are more prone to bending under the impact of the molten plastic, leading to irregularly shaped holes. Generally, the depth of a blind hole should not exceed twice its diameter. For blind holes with diameters of 1.5mm or less, the depth should not exceed the diameter. The wall thickness at the bottom of a blind hole should be at least one-sixth of the hole diameter to avoid shrinkage.

3. Side Holes

Side holes are typically formed using side cores, which can increase mold costs and maintenance, especially if the side cores are long and prone to breaking. If feasible, the design can be improved as shown in Figure 6, to mitigate these issues.

side hole in plastic part design
Figure 6
serviços de maquinagem CNC e de moldagem por injeção fabricados com precisão e concebidos com perfeição

Bosses in Plastic Part Design

Bosses, typically protruding from the wall thickness, are used for assembling products, separating objects, and supporting other parts. Hollow bosses can accommodate inserts or tighten screws. These applications require sufficient strength to withstand pressure without cracking. Bosses are generally cylindrical, as this shape is easier to mold and offers better mechanical properties.

Integration with Structure

Ideally, bosses should not be designed as isolated cylinders. They should be connected to outer walls or used in conjunction with ribs. This approach enhances the strength of the boss and facilitates smoother flow of the plastic material. The connection to the outer wall should be a thin-wall connection to avoid shrinkage.

The base of the boss where it meets the base material should have a fillet radius of 0.4 to 0.6 times the thickness of the base material. The wall thickness of the boss should be between 0.5 and 0.75 times the thickness of the base material. The top of the boss should have a chamfer for ease of screw installation. Draft angles are also necessary on bosses. These design requirements are similar to those for ribs, making bosses a variant of ribs. Refer to Figures 7 and 8 for these relationships.

Cross-section of Boss for plastic molded parts design
Figure 7
Overview of Boss for plastic molded parts design
Figure 8

Threaded Bosses for Self-Tapping Screws

Many bosses are used to connect self-tapping screws. The internal threads on these bosses are formed through cold flow processing, which deforms the plastic without cutting it. The size of the threaded boss must be sufficient to withstand the screw’s insertion force and the load it carries. The hole diameter in the boss should ensure that the screw remains secure under specific torque and vibration conditions.

The outer diameter of the boss must withstand the circumferential force generated during screw tightening without breaking. To facilitate screw insertion, a recess is often created at the top of the boss, slightly larger than the nominal diameter of the thread. Calculating the dimensions of a boss can be complex.

A simplified estimation method from a foreign website is recommended, based on the nominal diameter of the screw. First, identify the material used, then apply the corresponding coefficient from the table to the screw’s nominal diameter to determine the appropriate size.

Snap-Fit Connections in Plastic Part Design

Snap-fit assembly is a convenient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly method of connection. The snap-fit components are molded simultaneously with the product, eliminating the need for additional fasteners like screws. Assembly simply involves snapping the corresponding parts together.

The principle of a snap-fit involves pushing a protruding part of one component past an obstacle on another component. This process involves elastic deformation, and once the obstacle is cleared, the parts snap back into their original shape and lock together, as shown in Figure 9. Snap-fit connections can be either permanent or releasable.

How snap fit works
Figure 9

Structurally, snap-fits can be categorized into cantilever, annular, and ball shape, as detailed in Figure 10.

Three basic types of the snap fits
Figure 10

Key Angles and Calculations

1. Critical Angles

Two critical angles in snap-fit design are the retraction side and the entrance side. Generally, a larger retraction side is preferred for a more secure fit. When the retraction side approaches 90 degrees, the snap-fit becomes permanent, as shown in Figure 11.

permanent snap fit
Figure 11

2. Calculations for Snap-Fits

The maximum allowable deflection for a uniform section snap-fit can be calculated using: Y = el² / (1.5t). This formula assumes deformation only in the snap hook. In practice, some deformation also occurs near the snap-fit, which can be considered a safety factor.

The force required to produce a deflection Y in the snap-fit: P = wt²Ee / (6l).

The assembly force can be estimated with: W = P(μ + tga) / (1 – tga).

For releasable snap-fits, the release force can be calculated using the same formulas, substituting angle a with angle b.

Table 2 provides some coefficients needed for these calculations.

Materiais(e)(%)GPaCoefficient(s) of Friction

3. Annular Snap-Fits

Annular snap-fits use a ring’s internal protrusions to engage with a shaft’s groove. Based on the release angle, they can be either releasable or non-releasable. The ring expands elastically during insertion and removal, typically made from materials with good elasticity.

Figure 12 illustrates an annular snap-fit.

Annular Snap Fit
Figure 12

The maximum size of the annular snap-fit’s protrusion can be calculated using:

y = Sd((K + v) / E + (1 – v) / E) / K

Where S is the design stress, v is Poisson’s ratio, E is the elastic modulus, and K is a geometric coefficient calculated as: K = (1 + (d/D)²) / (1 – (d/D)²).

The expansion force on the sleeve can be calculated with:

P = (tan a + μ) / Sydlπ / K

Where μ is the coefficient of friction.

Table 2 provides Poisson’s ratios for various unfilled materials, with friction coefficients shown in Figure 17.

Interference Fits in Plastic Part Design

Interference fits, used to connect holes and shafts, are effective for transmitting torque and other forces. This type of connection is convenient and straightforward. The primary consideration in designing interference fits is the amount of interference: too little interference leads to unreliable connections, while too much makes assembly difficult and increases the risk of cracking.

When designing interference fits, it’s important to consider the tolerances of the hole and shaft, as well as the operating temperature, since temperature variations can significantly affect the interference amount. Most shafts are metallic, and to ensure a reliable connection, it’s common to add knurling or grooves on the mating shaft. The general formula for calculating interference is:

Y = Sd((K + v) / E) / K

Where S is the design stress, v is Poisson’s ratio, E is the elastic modulus, and K is a geometric coefficient calculated as:

K = (1 + (d/D)²) / (1 – (d/D)²)

The assembly force can be calculated with:

W = Sdlπμ / K

Where μ is the coefficient of friction, and l is the length of engagement. The Poisson’s ratio can be found in Table 3.

MateriaisPoisson’s Ratio
Interference Fits
Figure 13

In addition to interference fits, other methods for joining plastic parts include heat staking, welding, and ultrasonic welding. Each of these methods has its own set of advantages and is suitable for different applications based on the material properties and the requirements of the assembly.

Tolerance Impact and Material Selection in Plastic Part Design

Most plastic products can achieve high precision in dimensional tolerances. However, materials with high shrinkage rates or softer materials can be more challenging to control. Product design must consider the use environment, plastic material, and product shape to set appropriate tolerances. As customer demands increase, the concept of fit and finish must evolve. The goal is to achieve a balance between fit, precision, and aesthetics.

Injection molding is generally categorized into three quality levels: general-purpose, medium precision, and high precision.

  • General-Purpose Molding: This requires a lower level of quality control, characterized by lower rejection rates and faster production cycles.
  • Medium Precision Molding: More expensive due to higher demands on molds and production processes, requiring frequent quality checks.
  • High Precision Molding: Demands accurate molds, optimal production conditions, and continuous production monitoring. This impacts the production cycle, increasing unit production and quality control costs. Designers must balance between precision and economic production costs, often relaxing tolerances for non-critical dimensions while meeting performance, appearance, and fit requirements.

Material Selection

There are no inherently bad materials, only inappropriate choices for specific applications. Designers must thoroughly understand the properties of available materials and carefully test them to study their impact on the performance of molded products.

The most commonly used materials in injection molding are thermoplastics, which are divided into amorphous and semi-crystalline plastics. These two categories differ significantly in molecular structure and performance affected by crystallization. Semi-crystalline thermoplastics are typically used for parts requiring high mechanical strength, while amorphous thermoplastics, less prone to bending, are often used for casings.

Figure 14

Thermoplastics are available in unreinforced, glass fiber reinforced, and mineral or glass bead filled varieties. Glass fibers mainly enhance strength, rigidity, and temperature resistance; minerals and glass fibers reduce warping but offer lower reinforcement. Specific changes in properties due to reinforcements should be confirmed with material suppliers or through experimentation.

Some thermoplastics, especially PA6 and PA66, are highly hygroscopic, which can significantly affect their mechanical properties and dimensional stability.

Considerations related to processing and assembly are crucial. Integrating multiple functions into a single component can save on costly assembly expenses. This principle is beneficial for calculating production costs. High-performance materials (rigidity, toughness) can allow for thinner walls, shortening production cycles. Therefore, listing all standards and systematically evaluating them is essential.

Fillets and Rounded Corners in Plastic Part Design

Sharp corners often lead to defects and stress concentration in plastic parts, which can cause fractures under load or impact. Larger rounded corners (fillets) offer a solution to this problem. They not only reduce stress concentration but also facilitate smoother flow of the plastic during molding and easier ejection of the finished product.

Rounded Corners in Plastic Part Design
Figure 15

If the internal corner is rounded and the external corner is sharp, the area at the turn will still be thicker than other parts, leading to shrinkage. A solution is to round both internal and external corners to achieve uniform wall thickness. In this case, the external radius is the sum of the internal radius and the base wall thickness.

The design principles for corner radii also apply to cantilever snap-fits. In these snap-fits, the cantilever arm needs to bend and fit into place. If the radius of the corner (R) is too small, it can lead to excessive stress concentration, making the product prone to breaking when bent. Conversely, if R is too large, it can result in shrinkage marks and voids. Therefore, there is a specific ratio between the corner radius and wall thickness, typically ranging from 0.2 to 0.6, with an ideal value around 0.5.


In summary, this article has covered various critical aspects of structural design for injection molded parts, including wall thickness, draft angles, ribs, holes, bosses, snap-fits, interference fits, tolerances, and rounded corners. Each of these elements plays a vital role in the overall functionality, durability, and quality of the final product.

However, it’s important to remember that structural design is also influenced by environmental factors, specific conditions, and unique requirements of each project. These factors necessitate a tailored approach to each design challenge.

The goal of this comprehensive overview is to equip aspiring and practicing structural design engineers with the knowledge and insights needed to excel in their field. By understanding and applying these principles, designers can create more effective, reliable, and high-quality injection molded parts.

The post General Principles of Plastic Part Design For Injection Molding appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

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Que fundamentos são necessários para uma excelente conceção estrutural de um produto? https://prototool.com/pt/what-fundamentals-are-needed-for-excellent-product-structural-design/ Wed, 03 Jan 2024 09:01:37 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17042 What Fundamentals are Needed for Excellent Product Structural Design?

Product structural design refers to the process of designing the physical aspects of products, such as digital devices and home appliances, after their external appearance has been conceptualized. How to understand the definition of “Product Structural Design” This design phase bridges the gap between the aesthetic design and the manufacturing process. For instance, in the […]

The post What Fundamentals are Needed for Excellent Product Structural Design? appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

What Fundamentals are Needed for Excellent Product Structural Design?

Product structural design refers to the process of designing the physical aspects of products, such as digital devices e home appliances, after their external appearance has been conceptualized.

How to understand the definition of “Product Structural Design”

This design phase bridges the gap between the aesthetic design e o processo de fabrico. For instance, in the case of an electric egg beater, once the external design detailing its shape and color is finalized, the next step involves structural design.

Classic product design case01

This includes using 3D modeling to incorporate internal components like the motor, circuits, and switches into the design. The process extends to dividing the outer shell into parts, creating molds for injection molding, and ensuring the compatibility and fixation of shell parts with internal components. It also involves considering the manufacturing processes and assembly requirements to design the unseen parts of the product.

Finally, the shell is produced through moldagem por injeção and assembled with the internal components to complete the electric egg beater.

Classic product design case02
Classic product design case03

Product structural design is a comprehensive field that connects design with practical manufacturing. It encompasses a wide range of knowledge, including understanding of processes, parts, assembly, mold injection, functional testing, and project management.

Becoming a Product Structural Engineer: Basic Knowledge and Training

To become a product structural engineer, one must start with certain foundational knowledge. This section addresses the basics that a novice needs to evolve into a junior structural engineer, though having additional knowledge is always beneficial.

1. Mechanical Drafting

One of the fundamental requirements for product structural design is mechanical drafting, often learned during university studies. The necessary skills are basic and do not require manual drawing abilities or an understanding of various line thicknesses used in drafting standards.

However, it is essential to comprehend orthographic projections, side views, and basic concepts of first and third angles. Being able to interpret the dimensions and key features of parts from drawings is crucial. These skills form the foundation of product structural design.

Typically, students majoring in industrial design and mechanical engineering are taught this subject in college. If one did not grasp it well at the time, it’s advisable to revisit the textbooks, focusing on how several projection views represent a part’s shape.

Mechanical drafting is foundational for product structural design for two reasons.

First, the 3D software used in structural design, whether it’s CREO, SolidWorks, UG, CATIA, ou Fusion 360, operates on parametric design principles, transforming 2D sketches into 3D models. A lack of understanding in mechanical drafting makes learning these software programs challenging.

Second, structural design often involves interpreting numerous 2D drawings, such as part diagrams and specifications, to create 3D models. Without a basic understanding of mechanical drafting, it’s impossible to learn product structural design.

Dimensional Tolerances

Regarding dimensional tolerances, at the most basic level, it’s not necessary to understand complex concepts like the system of fits or tolerance zones. However, it’s crucial to know the meaning of the small numbers that follow the basic dimensions.

Dimensional tolerances are critical in ensuring the parts fit together correctly in the final product. While a deep understanding of advanced tolerance systems isn’t required at the beginner level, knowing the significance of the numbers following the main dimensions is essential. These numbers indicate the allowable variation in the part’s size, which is crucial for ensuring compatibility and functionality in the final assembly.

2. Software Learning

After grasping the basics of mechanical drafting, the next step is to familiarize yourself with CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. At this stage, it’s not about memorizing shortcuts or complex operations, but rather about understanding how to open and modify drawings, add lines, and dimensions. This knowledge lays the groundwork for later learning 3D software, enabling the conversion of 3D part drawings into 2D manufacturing files and reinforcing the mechanical drafting skills recently acquired.

It’s important to note that pure 2D drafting is becoming less common in practical product structural design. However, mastering it can be beneficial, but remember, this is just the foundation for becoming a product structural engineer, not the entirety of the required skill set.

In modern product structural design, proficiency in 3D software is non-negotiable. Don’t be swayed by veteran engineers who reminisce about their prowess in 2D drafting or manual drawing. Engineering is not about craftsmanship alone; it’s about continually updating knowledge and skills. The efficiency gains from 3D software in product structural design are significant and cannot be matched by traditional manual drafting skills. A product structural engineer must be willing to continuously learn and adapt to new knowledge.

Choosing the Right 3D Software

The choice of 3D software depends on the industry you’re entering. For instance, the aerospace and automotive industries often prefer CATIA, despite some users favoring UG. In these industries, not knowing CATIA can be a disadvantage. UG is widely used in the mold and manufacturing industries due to its robust features. CREO, dominant in the home appliance and digital product design sectors, owes its popularity to early adoption by Taiwanese companies. SolidWorks excels in mechanical design, particularly in automation, due to its optimized features. Emerging software like Spaceclaim and Fusion 360 are also worth exploring.

It’s crucial not to become complacent with just one software. Different software has its strengths, and they are continuously evolving and borrowing features from each other. Believing that the software you learned is superior can hinder your growth as a designer and may lead to obsolescence. An open mindset and continuous learning are key.

Learning Resources for Software

Once you’ve chosen the software that aligns with your career path, there are numerous resources available for learning, including textbooks and online videos. The abundance of material online and in bookstores makes self-teaching a viable option.

Many people, after mastering software commands, find themselves still unable to effectively engage in product structural design. This is because software is merely a tool; the essence of product structural design lies in the knowledge behind it. Understanding the principles, processes, and intricacies of design is what truly enables one to excel in this field.

3. Industry Product Knowledge

When we talk about industry products in the context of structural design, we’re referring to tangible items that people use in their daily lives. This includes everything from mobile phones, cars, and toilets to toothbrushes and massagers. Essentially, any physical object that fulfills a user’s need or serves a specific function falls into this category.

The simplest products might be made from a single material and have a specific shape and function, like a stainless steel spoon. More complex products, however, consist of an outer shell and various internal components. Whether it’s a toilet brush or a rocket, the principle remains the same: a combination of an external casing and internal components, with the complexity varying based on the number of internal parts.

Understanding this, the role of product structural design becomes clear. It involves figuring out how to assemble the outer shell, how to integrate and secure internal components, and how to ensure these components deliver the desired functionality.

Deepening Knowledge On the Internet

To deepen your understanding, consider researching and analyzing the disassembly diagrams of common products. This will enhance your grasp of the concepts related to product shells and internal components.

The knowledge related to the product’s outer shell and internal components is a crucial aspect of product structural design. Each type of product has its unique features and challenges. It’s important to maintain a broad learning perspective and avoid becoming too narrowly focused on a single product type. Instead, aim to grasp the essence of each product category and engage in continuous learning.

Internal Components

Most products, except for those with a singular function and no internal components, contain core components like motors for power, heating elements for thermal energy, displays for interaction, control buttons, circuit boards, switches, connectors, dampers, seals, and energy storage units. These components are products in themselves, with their own sub-components.

For example, a motor might have coils, carbon brushes, magnets, shafts, and bushings. When these components are connected, they fulfill a specific function, like a heating plate connected to a circuit board and a socket in a rice cooker.

Some products have complex internal mechanisms with many moving parts, requiring knowledge of linkages, cam mechanisms, etc. This aspect of design is often handled by mechanical or automation engineers. Other products, like small appliances, might have fewer moving parts, focusing more on structural design.

The variety of internal components in different products is vast, and no single person can know them all. This diversity is why different fields can seem so distinct. For instance, an engineer experienced in designing smartphones might not be familiar with the heating elements in rice cookers.

Knowledge of internal components is accumulated over time. Being observant and curious about different components you encounter in everyday life can significantly enhance your understanding and expertise in product structural design.

Shells in Product Structural Design

In product structural design, the design of the product shell involves various manufacturing and surface treatment processes. The choice of materials and corresponding processing techniques is crucial in shaping the product’s external appearance and functionality.

Product shells are made from a variety of materials, each requiring different processing methods. Even with the same material, such as plastic, the processing technique can vary depending on the product’s size, shape, and other requirements. Common plastic processing methods include injection molding, vacuum forming, blow molding, rotational molding, and enameling.

Plastics in Product Design

The most common materials for product shells are plastics and metals. Within plastics, frequently used types include ABS, PC, PP, PE, AS, POM, and TPE. Each material has its own properties, molding conditions, and identification methods. Even within the same type of plastic, different brands or grades from various manufacturers can exhibit slight performance differences.

Metals in Product Design

The variety of metals used in product shells is also vast, including aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized iron, and cold-rolled steel. While these can be broadly categorized into aluminum, copper, and iron, the industrial development has led to a multitude of grades and types.

For instance, different aluminum grades are suited for different processes: 6063 is ideal for extrusion, ADC12 for aluminum die casting, 7000 series alloys are commonly used in aircraft and spacecraft, and 1145 is suitable for aluminum foil in food packaging. Understanding these nuances is crucial for effective product structural design.

A deep understanding of materials and their appropriate applications is essential in product structural design. Regularly collecting information and being observant about different materials and their uses will significantly enhance your ability to design effective and functional product structures.

4. Knowledge of various processes

Moldagem por injeção

Injection molding is the most common process for plastic components, especially in the design of household appliances. Simply put, injection molding involves melting plastic into a liquid state and pouring it into a metal cavity. Upon cooling, the plastic solidifies into the shape of the cavity. Understanding injection molding requires knowledge in three key areas: melting the plastic (understanding the physical properties of plastics), molding in the metal cavity (knowing the characteristics of plastics during molding), and ejecting the plastic part from the cavity (understanding the basics of the mold).

The most critical aspect related to product structural design is the ejection of the part. To remove the plastic part, the metal cavity, or mold, must be able to open and separate into two halves. If the shape of the cooled plastic part gets stuck in the cavity, it cannot be removed. Therefore, the angle between the plastic part’s shape and the mold’s parting line must be less than 90 degrees to prevent this issue.

Mold design can include movable sections to facilitate part removal. For example, a plastic bowl can be removed by first moving the outer metal layer that holds it. These movable parts in molds, known as sliders ou lifters, make the design of plastic parts more flexible. However, their use should be minimized as they can increase mold costs and complexity.

Other Plastic Processing Techniques

Other techniques like blow molding, enamelinge rotational molding each have their unique processes and implications for product structural design. It’s beneficial to understand these different techniques to broaden your design capabilities and options.

5. Assembly Design in Product Structural Engineering

After understanding the basic structure of various products and their molding processes, the next crucial aspect is the design of product assembly. This is a key component of product structural design, involving the logical arrangement and secure attachment of internal components within the product’s external shell.

Internal Component Assembly

O assembly of internal components is not just about placing them inside the shell; they need to be precisely positioned and securely fixed to function effectively. In product structural design, consider these aspects: positioning of parts, securing them, protecting them, and ensuring their functionality. These considerations require a holistic approach and often need revisiting during the design process.

Positioning of Parts

Designing the exact location of each part within the product is critical. This involves determining their spatial position in three dimensions and ensuring the positioning method is practical and effective. Over-positioning and difficulty in positioning, especially considering the manufacturing tolerances of the parts, are common challenges. Even experienced engineers can make mistakes in this area, such as relying on hole positioning without considering the achievable precision in manufacturing. Understanding the concept of degrees of freedom, a topic covered in mechanical design courses, is essential here.

Securing Internal Components

Differentiating between positioning and securing components is vital. Avoid using the same structural feature for both positioning and securing, especially when high precision is required. Positioning demands precision, while securing requires strength. For instance, using screw posts for positioning might work in low-precision scenarios, but for high-precision requirements, dedicated positioning posts with tighter tolerances are necessary, with screws serving only to secure the parts.

Common methods for securing parts include screwing, gluing, welding, riveting, and sometimes snap-fit mechanisms, though the latter can be less effective against impacts. The challenge lies in ensuring adequate strength, and learning from existing designs can be highly beneficial. Further, revisiting university-level mechanics, material science, and finite element analysis is crucial. Modern simulation software, capable of modeling scenarios like drop tests, is a valuable tool for young engineers to surpass traditional experience-based methods.

For specific details on snap-fits, screw posts, ultrasonic welding, riveting, and adhesive bonding, specialized resources should be consulted. It’s important to emphasize the significance of learning finite element analysis software and staying updated with the latest manufacturing capabilities. Relying solely on design experience without adapting to new technologies and methods can quickly lead to obsolescence in this rapidly evolving field.

6. Protecting Components in Product Structural Design

In product structural design, protecting the internal components is a critical focus. Different products operating under various conditions require specific protection for their internal parts. The most common requirement is strength; it’s imperative that components do not dislodge or break during normal or extreme conditions, such as falls or during transportation. The structural design must ensure durability for regular use and resilience against extreme situations. Different products have different quality standards and, consequently, varying strength requirements.

Common protection needs include cushioning and shock absorption (e.g., for motors), as well as thermal insulation, dustproofing, and waterproofing. These measures are essential to extend the product’s lifespan and ensure its reliable operation. The specific learning content should be tailored to the particular product and its components.

Waterproofing and Dustproofing

Waterproofing and dustproofing are often specified by IP (Ingress Protection) ratings, such as IP65, which indicates complete dust resistance and protection against water jets. To achieve this, product structural designs commonly incorporate silicone sealing rings, potting compounds, and design angles for rain protection.

Thermal Protection

Thermal protection of internal components is another critical consideration in product structural design. Components like heating elements, motors, and circuit boards generate significant heat during operation. If this heat is not adequately dissipated, it can damage the components.

Common solutions include adding cooling fans, heat sinks, thermally conductive silicone, and graphene-based heat dissipation materials. Thermal analysis knowledge and software are used to calculate whether a particular heat sink can meet the cooling requirements of the product components. The principles involved include heat transfer, convection, and specific heat capacity, as taught in high school physics, but practical application in product design requires professional knowledge.

Different products and components require varied protective strategies in structural design. As a product structural designer, it’s essential to accumulate a wide range of experiences. Learning from successful designs in one product category and applying those insights to others can elevate your design skills above industry peers.

7. Functional Implementation

In product structural design, considering the functional implementation of components is a specialized and detailed aspect of the design process.

For instance, in electronics, the basic function of a speaker involves creating openings for sound to pass through. A more advanced understanding includes adding sealing foam between the speaker and the casing to form a front sound chamber, and ensuring the area of the sound holes meets the speaker’s specifications for optimal sound transmission.

In high-level design, the creation of a sealed rear sound chamber is considered, where the volume and shape are specifically designed to meet the speaker’s acoustic requirements, ensuring optimal f0 and sound frequency curves for superior sound quality. This aspect of design, often invisible to outsiders, involves significant work and detail. Learning in this area requires a deep dive into each functional component, understanding, designing, testing, and improving them.

Designing for Movement and Space

Another common aspect of functional implementation is designing for movement and space. For example, when a motor drives a linkage mechanism, the structural design must consider the mechanics of the linkage’s movement and ensure adequate space for its operation. Since most products aim for compactness, internal space is often limited. Determining appropriate clearances and understanding the minimum space requirements for each type of functional component is crucial and comes with experience.

Overcoming Industry Barriers in Design

The knowledge related to protecting internal components and achieving their functionality often forms the main barrier to entry in different industry sectors of product structural design. However, these challenges are not insurmountable. They involve understanding how to use each component safely and effectively, following a unified thought process, and supplementing knowledge in unfamiliar areas. Much of this knowledge has been distilled into industry-specific experiential values.

While the underlying theoretical reasoning can be complex, in practice, understanding these experiential values can lead to rapid and effective product structural designs. It’s important not to be intimidated by seemingly complex theories. Believing in the versatility and capability of a product structural designer is key to success in this field.

The Role of Experience and Continuous Learning in Product Structural Design

The previous discussion on product structural design highlights the importance of experience values. It might seem that mastering software, understanding basic product concepts, and accessing design experience values are sufficient for product structural design. This is both true and untrue. For many junior product structural designers, this is indeed how they start. However, the correct interpretation and application of these experience values require deeper internalization and understanding. Knowing the principles of success but failing to apply them effectively is a common pitfall.

The Need for Updated Knowledge and Skills

In product structural design, when reconstructing appearance models, knowledge of manufacturing processes is crucial. For example, understanding whether a design is moldable and how to optimize it is essential. This knowledge needs to be constantly updated and refined. In preliminary structural design, considerations include how to facilitate assembly and part production, improve production efficiency, and understand assembly-related issues. These aspects also require continuous learning and updating.

When refining product structural designs, minor adjustments that might seem insignificant to an outsider can be crucial. Decisions about the appropriate amount of snap-fit engagement, the right clearance between parts, or the optimal dimensions for ribs in injection molding are all based on deep understanding. This understanding must be thorough, encompassing both the how and the why.

Motorola’s Design Guidelines

For instance, Motorola’s design manual suggests a 0.075mm gap between the lens (transparent window panel) and the surrounding shell. A junior designer might simply follow this guideline, but a more experienced designer will delve deeper.

This specific value relates to the CPK values of injection-molded shells and the precision of lens cutting. It involves understanding statistical tolerances and requires continuous updating of knowledge. In a small-scale factory setting, a 0.075mm gap might not be appropriate due to different CPK values compared to Motorola’s supplier system. Recognizing these nuances is what distinguishes a master designer who can adapt to different environments and industries without issue.

To excel in product structural design, one must engage in ongoing learning and skill updating. This approach ensures that a designer remains versatile and effective, regardless of changes in location or industry. It’s not just about knowing the rules but understanding their underlying reasons and adapting them to different contexts.

Other Knowledge

Mastering software, understanding principles, and gaining experience in product structural design are just the beginning. A product structural designer’s role encompasses much more.

Knowledge of Components

Firstly, a structural designer needs to be knowledgeable about various components. Many products are designed from the inside out, starting with selecting internal components, arranging them effectively, and then designing the exterior. This requires choosing appropriate components and placing them in positions that facilitate both functional and aesthetic design.

This task involves understanding the working principles of these components and collaborating with industrial designers and hardware engineers to meet both functional and aesthetic requirements. Due to the complexity of this work, specialized roles like Stack Engineers or Product Architects have emerged, requiring a blend of product thinking, structural thinking, and design aesthetics, along with hardware knowledge.

Factory Visits and Understanding Manufacturing Processes

A product structural designer must also visit various manufacturing and assembly facilities, such as mold factories and production lines. Understanding how different designs perform under various manufacturing and assembly processes is crucial.

This knowledge allows the designer to optimize their designs for manufacturability, improving part processing yield and assembly efficiency. Structural engineers are responsible for creating initial assembly instructions, which serve as a guide for production line setup and product understanding.

Furthermore, a product structural designer is responsible for organizing the entire product’s Bill of Materials (BOM) and distributing the corresponding manufacturing drawings to various suppliers, including mold makers, sheet metal factories, stamping factories, silicone factories, etc.

Coordinating with these suppliers to ensure each part is produced correctly and meets quality standards is a significant part of the job. Decisions about acceptable tolerances and surface flatness for assembly compatibility are crucial and fall under the designer’s purview. Due to the workload, specialized roles like Mold Engineers have been developed to handle these specific tasks.

The Ongoing Responsibilities of a Product Structural Designer

The job of a product structural designer doesn’t end with the completion of designs and the initial assembly of the product. In fact, a new and often longer phase begins, focusing on quality assurance and compliance with standards.

Before a product hits the market, it must pass various quality checks and certifications, such as 3C standards domestically or FDA and CE standards for exports. The designer’s role includes researching these standards beforehand to ensure compliance, analyzing issues post-testing, and iterating the design until it meets all requirements. This cycle of assembly, testing, problem-solving, and retesting continues until the product is ready for mass production.

Even when a product is ready for mass production, the structural designer’s work isn’t finished. They must ensure that every part meets the required standards and communicate these specifications to each supplier. This involves defining acceptable tolerances and creating traceable documentation to address any quality issues during mass production. In case of problems, the designer must devise both immediate and long-term solutions, effectively acting as a “product caretaker.”

Recap: Knowledge and Interactions in Product Structural Design

Reflecting on the foundational knowledge required for product structural design, it’s clear that a solid understanding of design principles, software, component knowledge, manufacturing processes, assembly techniques, quality standards, and problem-solving logic is essential.

Interactions with various professionals are a constant in this role. A product structural designer collaborates with product planners, industrial designers, hardware engineers, suppliers, production line staff, quality control personnel, testers, and project managers.

A comprehensive understanding is necessary, encompassing aesthetics, hardware, product planning, coordination with various suppliers and assembly plants, knowledge of quality standards, and familiarity with testing methods. The ability to identify and solve problems is crucial in this multifaceted role.

Conclusion: The Versatile Career Path of a Product Structural Designer

A product structural designer is intricately involved in almost every stage of a product’s lifecycle. Their role is not confined to the initial design phase but extends through the entire process of bringing a product to market. This comprehensive involvement provides them with a unique set of skills and knowledge that makes them highly adaptable and versatile in their career paths.

Potential Career Transitions

Due to their extensive experience and understanding of various aspects of desenvolvimento de produtos, product structural designers often find opportunities for career transitions within and outside their original field. Some common career shifts include:

  1. Product Planning: Their deep involvement in the design process equips them with the skills to strategize and plan new products effectively.
  2. Procurement and Resource Development: Understanding supplier dynamics and manufacturing processes can lead them to roles in procurement and resource management.
  3. Quality Planning: Knowledge of quality standards and testing procedures can pave the way for a career in quality assurance and control.
  4. Factory Management: Frequent interactions with production lines and manufacturing processes can lead to roles in factory management.
  5. Project Management: Exposure to the entire product development cycle, from conception to production, makes them suitable for project management roles.

The only fields where transitions are less common are industrial design and hardware engineering, which require specialized skills that are not typically the focus of a product structural designer.

A World of Opportunities

In summary, the career of a product structural designer is marked by a breadth of knowledge and a depth of experience that opens up numerous pathways for professional growth and transition. Their comprehensive understanding of the product lifecycle, from design to production and quality assurance, makes them valuable assets in various roles across industries.

The post What Fundamentals are Needed for Excellent Product Structural Design? appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

Passos para desenvolver um produto de sucesso https://prototool.com/pt/steps-to-develop-a-successful-product/ https://prototool.com/pt/steps-to-develop-a-successful-product/#respond Wed, 03 Jan 2024 06:15:49 +0000 https://prototool.com/?p=17033 Steps to Develop a Successful Product

Passos para o desenvolvimento de produtos com sucesso, desde a geração da ideia até à avaliação pós-lançamento, adaptados a empresários e gestores de produtos.

The post Steps to Develop a Successful Product appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

Steps to Develop a Successful Product

O desenvolvimento de um produto é um trabalho divertido e árduo que requer um planeamento cuidadoso, muitas ideias e concentração em o que as pessoas querem.

Quer seja um empresário ou um gestor de produtos, conhecer os pontos principais do desenvolvimento de coisas novas é muito importante para vencer.

Ajudamo-lo a percorrer as etapas básicas do desenvolvimento de produtos, a transformar pensamentos em factos e a entrar nos mercados.

ETAPA 1: Geração de ideias e concetualização

A primeira coisa a fazer para desenvolver um produto é pensar em ideias e encontrar oportunidades. Isto pode ser feito através do estudo do mercado, observando o que os clientes querem e não gostam, tendo conversas criativas ou reparando em pontos vazios no mundo dos negócios.

Depois de ter uma ideia, é fundamental trabalhar e dar forma a essa ideia. Isto significa pensar a quem se destina o seu plano, qual o seu valor e como os diferentes pontos de venda podem ajudar a distingui-lo dos outros. Prove a sua ideia pedindo a opinião de possíveis utilizadores ou de pessoas que sejam especialistas na matéria.

New Product Development Steps One Idea Generation and Conceptualization

ETAPA 2: Pesquisa de mercado e análise da concorrência

É muito importante fazer uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre o mercado para conhecer as pessoas que pretende ter como clientes, o que mais gostam e quem está a vender coisas semelhantes.

a. Descubra quem é o principal grupo de pessoas que pretende alcançar. Isto inclui pormenores sobre a sua idade, sexo e local de residência. Deve também saber como é que estas pessoas agem ou que hábitos as definem, bem como quando/com que frequência compram coisas

b. Estudar o que as outras empresas estão a vender para ver onde é que os seus produtos se destacam, fracassam e sobressaem.

Este estudo ajudá-lo-á a posicionar bem o seu produto e a distingui-lo do que já existe.

Product Development Steps Two Market Research and Competitive Analysis

ETAPA 3: Conceção do produto e prototipagem

Trabalhar em conjunto com designers industriais e engenheiros para transformar o conceito em projectos de produtos reais.

a. Fazer desenhos, esquemas ou formas 3D para ver e aperfeiçoar o aspeto do produto, as suas partes e o seu funcionamento. Protótipos são muito importantes para verificar e confirmar o projeto.

b. Desenvolver protótipos utilizando técnicas de prototipagem rápida ou Impressão 3De obter feedback de potenciais utilizadores.

c. Continuar a alterar e a melhorar a conceção utilizando o feedback dos utilizadores e o que é tecnicamente possível.

ETAPA 4: Engenharia e desenvolvimento de produtos

Quando a conceção do produto estiver concluída, passe para as fases de engenharia e desenvolvimento. Trabalhe com engenheiros ou equipas de desenvolvimento de produtos para transformar o desenho em algo que possa ser fabricado e aumentado. Pense em aspectos como os materiais utilizados e a forma como são produzidos numa fábrica. Além disso, considere formas de reduzir os custos e as regras que tem de seguir. Elabore um plano simples para o seu projeto, para que possa falar facilmente entre desenho, engenharia e equipas de produção.

ETAPA 5: Testes e garantia de qualidade

Garantir que tudo está seguro com bons testes e garantia de qualidade é muito importante para tornar o seu produto seguro. É necessário seguir as regras de sucesso, segurança e fiabilidade.

a. Ver se o produto desenvolvido funciona bem, dura muito tempo e é fácil de utilizar pelas pessoas.

b. Realizar testes internos e com base no utilizador, resolvendo quaisquer problemas ou erros que surjam.

c. Melhorar iterativamente o produto com base nas reacções e nos resultados dos testes, tendo em vista uma experiência simples e de fácil utilização.

ETAPA 6: Gestão do fabrico e da cadeia de abastecimento

Quando o produto final estiver pronto e testado, é altura de planear produção e gerir o cadeia de abastecimento.

a. Encontrar fabricantes ou parceiros de confiança para a produção que possam corresponder às necessidades de qualidade, quantidade e custo.

b. Certificar-se de que o material, as peças e a montagem decorrem sem problemas.

c. Estabelecer controlos de qualidade em todas as fases da produção.

d. Continuar a falar com fornecedores e acompanhar o progresso da produção para que não haja atrasos.

New Developed Product Steps Six Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management

ETAPA 7: Marketing e distribuição

Desenvolver uma estratégia de marketing abrangente para apresentar o seu produto ao mercado, criando uma primeira impressão positiva. Crie um grande plano de marketing para sensibilizar as pessoas, entusiasmá-las e fazer com que desejem o seu produto.

a. Find out the best ways to connect with your main audience, like using social media or online ads. You can also try traditional marketing methods if they work well for you.

b. Use public relations, influencers and media to create excitement. Make a fun event or plan to introduce your developed product. This will make people like it and have good memories about seeing it for the first time.

STEP 8: Post-Launch Evaluation and Improvement

After launching the product, closely monitor its performance and gather user feedback.

a. Find out how many things are sold, see what customers think and check the market’s reaction to know if something is good or bad.

b. Continuously improve the product by listening to what customers say and watching for new trends in markets.

c. Plan product updates, enhancements, or expansions to meet evolving customer needs and maintain a competitive edge.


Making a good product requires thinking about what people like and having thought-out plans. By following the information given, you can deal with issues of product development and make it more likely that your main customers will enjoy it.

Additionally, executing a well-thought-out marketing e launch strategy can significantly impact the success of your product. Invest time and effort in creating a compelling brand story, identifying the right marketing channels, and effectively engaging your target audience.

The post Steps to Develop a Successful Product appeared first on Prototool written by Prototool.

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